contacto seguridad


C/Margarita Xirgú, 5 (Zaidín)

Tlf: 958 819  432 / 637 689 688

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Horario VERANO

De lunes a viernes:
De 10:00h a 14:00h y de 18:00h a 20.30h

Martes: De 10:00h a 20.30h (ininterrumpido)
Sábado: De 10:00h a 14:00h

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Get in touch

The Mia Pizza Restaurant is situated at the very historical heart of Alexandria, VA. Our address is well known to locals as the most home-like, and delicious place in the city!

Please contact us using the form on the page in regards to any questions you might have, or to make a booking with us.